Nello Ceccon Introduction
I would like to present you this article, titled “Who is in Charge”, written by Dr. Hew Len and published on the web site .
For some reasons I had the chance attending the class on Ho’oponopono taught by Mary Koehler in Dublin, the past fall, and for me it has been the rediscovery of my Self I-dentity. Through the practice of thanking, of love and forgiveness of my memories, I understood the effects of my thoughts, my words and my action to myself and to the others.
When was in Dublin, I had a heavy sciatica pain, and I were not able to understand why. I had pain walking and staying seat. During Ho’oponopono meditation the memory causing the pain came up, I asked to my memory to please forgive me and for finishing the cleaning process I ate some special food, according with Ho’oponopono experience, it is an amazing tool for the cleaning process of the problem. The pain was gone in few days.
The Ho’oponopono keys:
- Our only purpose is to be our Self I-dentity
- We have to be aware we are 100% in charge.
- Problem never comes from outside
- Every problem abide in replaying memories from the past, and cleaning the memories solve the problem.
I give thanks to Sandra Ingerman who shared for the first time this wisdom with me.
We are in a tight web of interdependence with world, persons and objects.
November 2006
Good reading!
Read the article “Who is in Charge” from the Ho’oponopono web site.