MARTHA UGARTE has been practicing Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® since 2009 and feels eternally grateful for the positive impact it has had on her life. In 2015, Martha became a part of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len’s cleaning team, and in 2016, she and her mother were chosen to expand the Zero Wise website to Spanish. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and has served as a Spanish translator for MsKr Radio Shows and Online Zerolag.biz SITH® classes. For Martha, Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is a way of life, in which one can experience one’s own true freedom and peace, through cleaning your relationship with everything. She has taught IN PERSON in Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the USA and ONLINE in Brazil and Canada.
MARVIN KALA’IKI GRINO ha frequentato il suo primo corso SITH® nel 1998 presentato dal Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len e da allora ha aiutato nello staff, coordina e istruisce i corsi Basic I, Business Ho'oponopono e Health Ho'oponopono negli Stati Uniti, Giappone, Corea, Bulgaria e Perù. Le sue difficili esperienze con le relazioni, la salute, il lavoro e le finanze, e lo stress causato da queste esperienze lo hanno spinto a “esplorare” il processo SITH® presentatogli dal suo migliore amico. Ripensandoci ora, non sa come sia uscito da quelle situazioni. Lavorando solo su se stesso, Marvin ha potuto sperimentare di essere “guarito” ed effettuare il “cambiamento” in se stesso e nella sua famiglia. Applica il processo di pulizia in ogni momento e osserva il processo SITH® funzionare. L'utilizzo di SITH® gli ha permesso di sperimentare la Pace dentro di sé, in grado di lasciar andare la sua confusione, preoccupazioni, paura, stress e incertezze. Gli ha anche permesso di stringere relazioni più profonde e significative con moglie e la famiglia di lui. Inoltre, gli ha permesso di apprezzare profondamente tutto ciò che lo circonda, la sua famiglia, gli amici, i colleghi, la natura e tutte le creazioni della Divinità.
attended his first SITH® class in 2011 in Riccione, Italy, with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose. From then on, he has continuously been taking part in Ho’oponopono seminars both as student and staff. Lorenzo has got a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and works for a University Spin-off. He applies Ho’oponopono on himself, with his family, with plants, trees and animals in the farm where he lives. He also practices the cleaning process in his engineer work with robots and machines in general, obtaining amazing results. He is immensely grateful for having learned Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono®, because his life continuously improves due to the practice of this powerful gift. Since 2019 he has taught classes in Italy, both IN PERSON and ONLINE.
He attended his first Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono SITH® class in 2006 in Dublin. He constantly applied the method for three years before becoming the coordinator for Italy. In 2009 he organized the first SITH® class in Italy with Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph. D, and Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose.
He has been teaching classes in Italy, in other European countries, the United States, Russia and Asia.
Nello is an IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in Italy, Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.
He is grateful for having had the opportunity to translate in Italian the Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona book: Dewdrops of Wisdom.
The cleaning made him realize how much is important self love, taking care of himself and letting go, instead of being worried about the outside things. Throughout this practice he experienced at many miracles, such as friends and students being healed from severe illness like cancer and depression, or successfully going through heavy family fights and financial troubles.
He experienced the strength of Ho’oponopono when he had to move from his family, being able to stay in the place of love, peace and gratitude for the gifts, the three kids, he had received from life.
Nello applies the SITH® method in his practice as an Engineer, he is also a Mediator and Official Technical Consultant for Verona Court. He is the founder and coordinator of a Center for Spiritual Development. He constantly and joyfully applies SITH® process in aspects of his personal life, health, work, finances, and relationships.