Ho'oponopono and Health
Interview with Nello Ceccon, IZI LLC instructor of Self I-dentity Through Ho’oponopono®
Before we get into specifics on health, can you briefly explain what is Ho'oponopono?
Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian method of problem solving. The method taught by IZI LLC is called Self I-Dentity Through Ho'oponopono®,(SITH®) in Italian I-dentità del Sé con Ho’oponopono and was created by the Hawaiian kahuna Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, with many classes having been taught by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. This method is to be applied on us, without the involvement of external actors. This is because according to Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono , the problems are nothing more than memories that continue to replay within us, and it is also true for the health problems.
The Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® method works to release memories, through a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation
Do you want to share how in your life you deal with the diseases?
In the past I was always afraid to get sick. When I was child this fear materialized with frequent throat pain, until I got a fulminant pneumonia that brought me near to death.
With Ho'oponopono things changed immediately. When I attended the first class of Self I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono ® I was suffering from a painful sciatica that followed me for several weeks. During one of the practices made at the class, an image of the cause of this pain came up, and I could easily remedy it. I removed the cause and few days later the pain disappeared.
Last year I got injured bringing tons of firewood to be cut for the winter, I had a back pain, which for days has left me immobilized. I didn’t lose my faith, I quickly applied Ho’oponopono using many cleaning tools, included the special physical rebalancing exercises that are taught at the class. Those exercises have been my recovery; they worked on my spine, but also on my emotions, the memories that were causing this so persistent pain. I began to walk again, and then I found a physiotherapist who helped me, without using invasive methods and medicines, to be definitely recovered.
Ho'oponopono has given me the tools to choose. In the past when I suffered from some disease I followed the footsteps of my father, who was crying every time he had to be hospitalized for a disease resulting in his imprisonment in Nazi concentration camps. Now I have the chance to feel free, active, and to have the ability to let go and clean up anything that keeps me away from my state of Harmony, Balance and Peace.
I practice Ho'oponopono for over 10 years, my life has undergone radical changes, but I am convinced that the cleaning worked preventively to avoid me pain and much more serious disease. For me Ho'oponopono is a continuous work, to be done at any time of the day, in this way makes me feel in my right physical, mental and spiritual condition, connected with the big picture of life.
I would like to share also a testimony, a person who got a severe cancer in the neck and other metastasis in different parts of the body. The story is real and true as when he shared it for the first time to me, I asked if he would like to share with others his case. Instead of sending me a text with his history, he sent me the medical reports where the cancer was diagnosed. After applying Ho’oponopono, the medical report stated there was no more cancer or metastasis in him.
…” I started to apply Ho'oponopono at home and, little by little, my life was taking form. I was not anymore irritable and angry, and I settled some goals. I took care of myself, now my weight is 135 kilos (270 lb.) instead of the previous 170 kilos (370 lb.). My relationship with food has changed, even though I still have some conflict within myself, the weight is not yet stable but now I clean and let go. I don't have resistance anymore and this is very important to me,
and I cleaned, saying the phrases 'Thank you, I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me'. I began to look inside me, with the awareness that the problem was ME, I did all the Ho'oponopono process and I became aware I could ask anything with love and gratitude without expectation. I knew that I would have received love in exchange. It doesn't matter anything, if love is, then for sure my life would be wonderful and so happened. No more chemotherapy, no more radiotherapy, no more oncological department, something unexplainable: magic happened!
I did always the Ho’oponopono process and after the first SITH® class I experienced each and every medical treatment as an opportunity to let go. Every time I've done the Ho'oponopono process the result had been astonishing.
After two years of applying Ho’oponopono, without further surgical operation, I did some tests through CT and PET-CT and my two tumors were decreased, stopped and there was no more the tumor in the armpit.
This is a miracle!”
How can we begin to apply Ho'oponopono when we experience health problems?
The easiest thing is read the article Who is in Charge, written by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, that explains clearly how our I-Dentity works and the process of forgiveness, repentance and transmutation. In this article there are also cleaning tools that you can use immediately, as the phrases I love you, Thank you, and also the Blue Solar Water.
Those who wish to learn and to experience cleaning, use the tools that have been developed in the Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono®, including some specific tools to clean the memories associated with the disease, can attend the class sponsored by IZI LLC called Health Ho'oponopono. This class includes the 12 Steps process, which can be applied to health problems. For the first time this seminar will be presented in Italian, in Riccione on 17-18 September 2016. More information you can find on the website www.hooponoponoitalia.it