

Self I-dentity Through


Business Class Information & Fees


Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affects our business. 

The Ho’oponopono process provides “a step by step approach to achieving Peace, Balance and a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self I-dentity.” 
During these two days you will begin to set yourself free and learn how to:
• Be more effective and productive 
• Resolve business problems in an easy way 
• Take a 100% responsibility for solving business problems 
• Create perfect and right business relationships 
• Let go of expectations and be surprised by ideal outcomes 
• Use the power of your mind to achieve clarity and purpose 
• Discover who you really are, your inherent talents and your purpose in work 
• Delete negative programs that impact on your plans, goals, decisions and results 
• Let go of thinking "I know," and let intuition and inspiration move you 
• Be open and flexible to receive ideal business solutions through inspiration
The training for individuals consists of a 2-day class in which participants are taught who they are, what problems are, and how problems can be solved by deleting toxic, unwanted memories without going one inch outside of themselves. 

More information about the class


1. Details, location and registration information for each SITH® training will be posted on the website as the information becomes available.
2. Each SITH® class registration is handled by the Coordinator for that area.
3. Students are required to read the online article, "Who's in Charge?" prior to enrolling in the Business class. 
4. Business Class is a new class. Review students for this class are only those who have attended a Business Class in person before.
    Once students have attended a Business Class in person then they may attend the Business Class as a Review Student. Students
    must be 14 years or older to attend the business class.
    Student that have attended a Business class as a new student, would then attend the Basic I class or a Health class as a new student the first time they attended.
5. No one will be admitted to a class unless they have paid the fees for the class in full.
6. By registering for the class, students agree to the Disclaimer and Registration Agreement
7. "Any I-Dentity can sign up to take the Self I-Dentity through Ho'opoopono class in Absentee"
     For Asia: Any I-Dentity can sign up for Absentee Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono® class. The Registrant must be a Review Student.

FEES for SITH® Classes 

New Student – Adult (14 yrs. & older) €440.00 EURO Pre-Registration

€475.00 EURO Registration Week of Class

Review Student –Adult (14 yrs. & older) €210.00 EURO

World Wide Absentee – Any I-Dentity – €210.00 EURO

Training Staff/Approved Guest No cost

Pre-registration Fee will be accepted in full up to Saturday at midnight 1 week before the class.
Anyone making payment after Saturday at midnight must pay the Registration Week of Class fee.
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure the payment has been received in full.

Students are required to read the online article, "Who's in Charge?” prior to enrolling in the Business

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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